EI Conference 2021 – Registrations are now open

JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office
JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office

Beyond COP26: The Road to Net Zero

Environmental Intelligence Conference 2021

The Met Office and University of Exeter hosted the  Joint Centre’s second annual Environmental Intelligence Conference, ‘Beyond COP: The Road to Net Zero’ on the 16th and 17th December 2021.

Hosted by the Joint Centre’s Co-Directors, Dr Kirstine Dale (Met Office) and Professor Gavin Shaddick (University of Exeter), this virtual event showcased the use of transformative technologies to support the UK’s Net Zero ambitions and explore opportunities to support the ‘Next Generation’ of Environmental Intelligence environmental and data scientists.

We were delighted that the keynote address was delivered by Professor Paul Monks BSc, DPhil, FRMetS, FRSC, Chief Scientific Adviser of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

The event was opened by Professor Penny Endersby, Met Office Chief Executive, and Professor Lisa Roberts, University of Exeter Vice Chancellor.

See further reflections on the conference here.

The conference comprised six sessions as follows, with a range of speakers and live Q&As at the end of each session.

Day 1 – 16th December 2021

  • Session 1: Harnessing Transformative Technologies to achieve Net Zero
  • Session 2: Harnessing Open Science to achieve Net Zero
  • Session 3: Harnessing Science in Practise to deliver Net Zero

Day 2 – 17th December 2021

  • Session 4: Harnessing AI to achieve Net Zero
  • Session 5: Building interdisciplinary communities to deliver Net Zero
  • Session 6: Working with EI Next Generation to deliver Net Zero

Further details on the programme, and speakers are available here.

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JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office