EI Conference 2021 – Registrations are now open

JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office
JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office


JCEEI Research Catalyst Award – call for proposals

The Joint Centre for Excellence in Environmental Intelligence (JCEEI) is inviting proposals for the JCEEI Research Catalyst Award.

The awards provide fully funded time of a postdoctoral researcher (PDRF) / data scientist (DS) to support early-stage collaborative research projects relating to data science / AI for environment, climate, and sustainability.

Submission deadline for this initial JCEEI Research Catalyst Award call is 12.00 on Friday 7th March 2025, with outcomes announced by early April 2025.

Award information

Examples of current Environmental Intelligence research activity can be found on the JCEEI projects webpage with more general information on the University of Exeter’s Environmental Intelligence webpages.

Application process

Intended to be light touch, the process involves submission of a short online application form (see following link) setting out your project idea / proposed work, to be completed as best you can.

All proposals will be reviewed and triaged by the JCEEI Programme Board team and applicants contacted to discuss and, if useful, help further develop their proposals. Decisions on award outcomes will then be made, applicants informed, and project plans for successful proposals finalised.

Apply for the JCEEI Research Catalyst Award (MS Form)

If you have any questions and / or require any additional information please contact Tom Nicholson (t.p.nicholson@exeter.ac.uk), University of Exeter, or Steve Ramsdale (steven.ramsdale@metoffice.gov.uk), Met Office.


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JCEEI partners - University of Exeter and Met Office